White supremacy is our inheritance; it need not be our legacy

I am constantly un-learning white supremacist and racial capitalist conditioning, while learning how to embody antiracism from a place of wholeness
I partner with Black people, Indigenous people, and People of Color when invited, to design and facilitate antiracist experiences for multiracial groups
I create experiences that support white organizational leaders (with a focus on white women) to break allegiance to white supremacy, to show up with greater antiracist authenticity, and to practice accompliceship to Black people’s, Indigenous people’s and People of Color’s visions
More of my writing
I’ve started writing monthly pieces on Substack. You can find my most current writing and my archive of From Whiteness to Wellness posts there. Subscribe to receive my posts directly to your inbox here.

“Through the practice of stepping back, I came to appreciate that decentering does not necessarily mean nonparticipation. Instead, it means another kind of belonging, a belonging not conditioned on my centrality, yet nonetheless a deeply connected belonging contingent on a practice of accountability to the work of transforming, rather than reproducing, deeply entrenched power relations.”